I absolutely love the app and have used it all throughout my undergrad. But recently large documents cause the application to crash and the italics wont work for some reason.
I absolutely love the app and have used it all throughout my undergrad. But recently large documents cause the application to crash and the italics wont work for some reason.
Using in 5 days technical conference. easy to memo in text, hand writing, and photo. Never crashed so far. I love it!
More and more people are using iCloud Drive,hope can support it as soon as possible.
今まで愛用していたawesome noteが、アップデートでいきなり幼稚なデザインに変わってしまい、鬱でした、、、。それで色々試した結果、もっと便利で美しいこのノートに出会えました! なんといってもPDFを貼り付け出来るのがウレシイ。レイアウトや選べるタブの色もとてもキレイです。アイコンがノートのイメージと全く違うのが不思議(笑)。アップデートも頻繁に行われているようなので、これからも、もっと便利になってくれそうな‼︎ Thank you for making a nice app.
最新版にしたら左フリックでメモが消せなくなってしまった。It is not possible to erase the notes. 長押しになってしまい複製しかできない。 日本語入力のとき確定を押すと画面右端にカーソルが行ってしまいいちいちタップし直さなければならない。改行や空白がうてるようにしてほしい。メモの消し方が変わったならバージョンを上げたときにチュートリアル的なものが欲しい。 追記:本当にメモの消し方が分からず困っているのですがどうするとメモを削除できますか?It is not possible to erase the notes.
入力中にいきなりcaretが最初の位置に戻ってしまいます。その他の機能は素晴らしいので、早く改善して頂きたいです。 When I writing, the caret returns to the first place. Please remedy this problem.
Im a loyal user. I love this app. The only problem is that horizon use of paper is not implemented. It is very difficulty to use when trying to write a slide. Please improve this, thanks!
This app is useful and handy, but the power consumption in background is quite terrible. It is better to remove it from background whenever it is not in use.
When I copy the characters, characters that I copy is garbled. 文字をコピーできるのですが、これをやると文字化けします。 ここだけが惜しい。 あとは書き味、iCloud同期など完璧です。 競合のGood Notes4は、コピー時の文字化けはしないが、iOS機器からMacへのiCloud同期が動かないか激遅です。(MacからiOS機器へのiCloud同期はできるのですが) もう一つの競合のNote shelfは、同期が貧弱だし、Mac版もありません。 同期重視なら、このNotabilityしかありません。 文字化けの件は、とりあえずdropboxに、pdf自動書き出しをする設定にすると、pdfからコピーした文字では、化けていません。 しばらくはこれで我慢しますが、Good notesがまともに同期するようになったら乗り換えます。 Notabilityからは動悸が充実しているので乗り換えやすいです(^_^;)
Please add apple watch app
I am using this app with my iPad pro, great by the way, but Please put a disable button for magnifier. I am constantly pressing it with my palm, i am using apple pencil, don’t need it. It’s very annoying. I don’t want to see it, i want to disable it for good. Also i am accidentally changing screen zoom while i am writing, i really want to see a lock for zoom for a stable writing with apple pencil.
Just a little bit expensive than others but its really useful I loved that. Its really good with 53 pen or Apple Pencil. So if u need a note program download it now
Ive tried Goodnotes, Upad3, NoteLedge, Notes Plus. Notability is the simplest one. Just do your business and go. Still needs some functions. 1-Quick add event to iOS calendar. 2-Planner papers monthly, weekly etc. 3-Decrease picture size when added. Please add theese and make it perfect.
Stop updating the app everyday, we had enough!!! DO NOT buy notabilty! It really sucks, I can not open my notes, notlar açılmıyor, sakın satın almayın!!
Ive been using Penultimate, but after their newest release (horrible) I was forced to look for an alternative. Penultimate has got everything, its a real powerhouse and user experience is great. Annotation of PDFs is great. Only wish there was an easier way to export notes to Evernote.
App very disappointing, iCloud sync work when it wants and how it wants, what ended in a loss of all my notes. Waste of money!
Best note taking app out there
I usually dont write reviews on AppStore apps but damn, the recent update inspired me to do so because it fixed all the little things that got me annoyed and now, tbh, this is the best writting app Ive found iPad Pro. Keep up the good work!
All perfect! It is very good app! Thanks you!
Please add a check box feature like in notes of iOS9. ✅